Monday, March 16, 2009


We have 7 of them!
In the words of the embryologist- 6 fantastic and 1 eh!

I'll take it!

Although, this is how many we had make it to freeze last time, and I am not pg, so.....

In other related news, had my progesterone checked today... a whopping 191!  That is good news.

my beta is one week from today.  By this time, I'll know if I am going to be a mom!


MJ said...

yeah, yeah, yeah!! Snowbabies and high progesterone, awesome news...just waiting not for the BFP

shawnandlarissa said...

Yay for the snowbabies!

Katie said...

That's great news!! On both the snowbabies and progesterone! Keeping my fingers crossed

Kristen said...

Seven is AWESOME and your progesterone is awesome too! Woo Hoo!!!!! :-)

stacey said...

They will be great siblings to the one(s) that have already implanted:-)