Here I am again- day 2 of blogging! This is a good year for resolutions so far. I got up and went to the gym today AND I am writing an entry!
So... in the world Un-related to IF, we have the mother of all renovations currently going on in our ONE bathroom. This is day 2 of which I have no shower in my BR ( I am not that gross... I did go to MIL's to shower.) Now, this started as a "let's tile the bathroom" project. It then became a lets get a new tub project ( I am sure you can see where this is going...)
All I know is in an effort to get this new tub in, 3 of the 4 walls in my bathroom, my sink and my vanity are no longer there. Thank goodness my husband and his uncle are patient people as they are doing this themselves. This has been a bit difficult though since I was blessed with a bladder the size of a pea. Did I mention we only have ONE bathroom?...
I suppose I owe you a little background info. Currently we are in a holding pattern waiting to cycle again for IVF #2. I have to wait to get back to work after break to work out some scheduling issues. I really want to cycle in February, but it looks like it most likely going to be March. The rest of our history is as follows:
- 2 rounds of clomid with OB- BFN
- 2 Clomid IUI with RE- BFN
- 1 Follistim IUI- BFN
- IVF #1: 14 eggs retrieved, 9 fertilized normally. We transferred 2 on a 5 day transfer and froze 7. This resulted in a C/P in which it took a month ( and about 15 trips to the RE for blood work) for my beta to go back to zero.
- FET#1: Lost ALL but 2 embryos in the thaw. This was devastating- far more than the ensuing BFN.
So, for now, I am going to take this time to go to the gym, start taking wheatgrass pills, and give up coffee. Yes, this is new year's resolution #3- no more coffee. I many not need IVF #2 as this resolution could quite possibly kill me or cause a divorce. We shall see....
We may be cycling together in March! I say may because I haven't even gone in for my first consult yet, but that's my best guess. Good luck!
I'm cycling in March too! We can pray together and then celebrate together.
Love the background...LOL.
Keep it, I think it's funny we both are pretty much identical.
Oh yeah, and we're cycling together. Let's pledge not to name our kids the same names...
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